Rule of Law?

The Rule of Law is a core idea from our history.  “A government of laws, and not of men” was the ideal of our founding fathers when they wrote the constitution.  This is affirmed in our constitution, which guarantees “equal protection” of the law.

So, how is it that our new “health care law” already has dozens of waivers granted to large politically connected organizations?  Is the law not to be applied equally?  Is the law unworkable?  Should it be changed?  Read about the waivers here.

The Obama administration has apparently decided that it should have the power to decide who needs to comply with the new law.

This is not Rule of Law, it is Rule of Officials.  It begs for corruption, and makes a mockery of equal protection.  It suggests a nation where we are not citizens, but subjects who are not free to act, but must frequently ask permission from government officials.  It suggests a nation where political connections are not optional, but absolutely required for business success.

Vote on November 2nd.

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