Health Freedom?

The Citizens Council for Health Fredom (web site here) is a great organization, and is working hard to preserve your health care freedom.  I have subscribed to their periodic newsletter, which can be seen here.  This newsletter outlines how electronic records will undermine privacy, and how doctors are being coerced into sacrificing their autonomy in order to impose federal control.

The PPACA (Aka. Obamacare) is gradually putting a stranglehold on american medicine, squeezing what is left of its freedom and market vibrancy.  It is continuing the change of medicine from a service industry dedicated to patients and progress into a huge federal bureaucracy dedicated to “fairness”, where progress is measured in strictly collective terms.

The iron law is that if we want to choose what we get, we have to pay the bills.  If we let someone else pay those bills, we don’t get to make the choices.  He who pays gets to choose.

If we value our freedom, we must shoulder the responsibilities.  In health care this means paying our own bills.  There is no free lunch, only choices.

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