Constitution Ride Across America

On Sunday September 5th at 4 PM, there will be a rally on the south steps of the state capitol in  St. Paul.

The rally honors the Constitution Ride Across America 2010.  You can read more about it here.

Scheduled speakers include Teresa Collett – candidate for Congressional district 4, and of course – Don Lee – candidate for Minnesota House.

The rally will begin at 4:00 pm.  This is a rally to honor the Consitution rather rather than a political rally.  The organizers welcome flags, but request that people not bring signs.  (Passing out campaign literature is OK, though.)  The organizers also ask that the participants model the civil tone of a responsible, tolerant people, with mutual respect being key.  We honor and respect all of our leaders, even those with whom we disagree.  Our loyalty is to our processes – to our constitution and to the honor of the voters.  We have faith that following our constitution may not solve our problems, but is the right thing to do.

Title: Constitution Ride Across America
Location: State Capitol Grounds
More info:

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