My recent letter to John Kline

From: Donald Lee

Subject: Don’t raise debt ceiling

Dear Rep Kline,

I have changed my view.  I now believe that the only productive, responsible course is to REFUSE to raise the debt ceiling.  Period.

The negotiating, posturing, bickering and pleading in Washington makes one thing crystal clear.  There is no limit to the lengths people will go to accomplish their agendas.  Many of those agendas involve spending unthinkable amounts of tax money.

We are up against some hard economic laws.  The budget WILL be balanced.  The only question is whether we do it ourselves, or we force our creditors to do it – when we become Greece.

The debt limit, if honored and unmoved, provides an instantly balanced budget. Adjustments to that balanced budget will be very disruptive, but there will be no apocalypse.  Scare mongering from the White house is self serving, at best, disingenuous at worst, but in all cases continues to rack up massive debt.

The correct, responsible, prudent answer is NO.  No to raising the debt limit, and no to more spending.

Cut Cap and Balance is nice, but it can be blocked by the democrats, and even if passed does not stop our profligate ways.  The debt ceiling does.  Now.

Please consider changing your position.  Say NO.  Accept the pain now, rather than inflicting even bigger pain on our children.

Will there be a crash if the Federal government suddenly makes the necessary cuts to stay within its limits?  Maybe.  Will we survive?  yes.

The federal government today is a massive ponzi scheme, with Pres. Obama in the role of Bernie Madoff, telling us that we need more suckers to keep the ponzi going “just a little longer”.  This is reprehensible, and you have in your hands the ability to stop it.

Please say no.

Thank you for your service.


July 17th, 2011

I sent off a mass e-mail last night about the “deals” being made in Washington DC, and St. Paul Minnesota.  You can read it here.

I have been selected to serve on the ISD 197 (school) district Strategic Design Advisory Committee.  You can read about the committee here.

-Don Lee

Econ 101

Many of our troubles in politics are caused by an unfortunate lack of knowledge about economics.  Our schools do a good job of teaching about how “robber barons” were brought to heel by government regulation in the 19th century, but do not teach how the economic engine actually works.

Prof. John Spry teaches at St. Thomas University.  This podcast is a wonderful treatment of a number of economic issues and how they touch on politics.  Check here and look for the podcast from 6/14/2011.  Enjoy.