Ideas Matter

Politics is about trust, and about ideas.  I believe that ideas trump all else.  What we believe to be true is the overarching determinant of how we behave, and how we vote.

For this reason, politics is a battle over ideas.  What is true?  What is “right”?

Economics is not an exact science.  We cannot put a nation in a test tube and apply experiments.  We have to infer from existing data and derive the truth as best we can.  Adam Smith told us about the “invisible hand”, and revealed commonsense truth based on what he saw around him.  John Maynard Keynes had a different idea.  He postulated that the “invisible hand” needed help, and that help had to come from government.  He gave us “multipliers” and “counter-cyclical” actions.  The result is anything but obvious.

This article at explains how and why Mr. Keynes has turned economics on its head.

Economics is the science of how resources are deployed, and people behave.  If you pay for something you get more of it.  If you tax it, you get less of it.  The politics of wishful thinking and counter-intuitive nonsense must end if we are to regain our economic strength.

Chris Christie – the Right Decision

There is a video on YouTube.  I encourage you to watch part 1 and part 2.

In his speech, he talks about American Exceptionalism.  He talks about leadership by example.

It is wonderful to see a man speak from the heart, and speak the truth.  This is an honorable man, and maybe a Great man.  He is the sort of leader our nation needs.

That said, agree 100% with his decision to stay out of the race for the presidency. He says he has a commitment to the voters of New Jersey, and his current job as governor.

His speech talks about leading by example.  His action in declining to run speaks louder than any speech could do, and speaks volumes about Governor Christie’s character.

He is doing exactly the Right Thing.

Economics after Keynes

This excellent article asserts that “quick fix” measures, such as President Obama’s “Jobs act” are failres for a good reason – basically, the people are smart, and they adjust their behavior to take advantage of whatever is done, muting, or even negating the desired effects of the legislation.

The article includes links to a recent Nobel prize in Economics that explains how this works in detail.

Random thoughts – The Big Question

When our founding fathers presented the US Constitution to the 13 colonies, they made a strong case that it must be the duty of every citizen to not only participate and supervise the government “of the people”, but also to defend it from all manner of threats and decay over time.

As Benjamin Franklin put it, when asked “what we got” in 1787:

“A Republic if you can keep it.”

We are at a crossroads today, where we must choose whether we are willing and able to “keep” our Republic.

Are we strong enough to shoulder our own responsibilities, rather than shirking them by passing them to government?  Are we diligent enough to supervise the huge bureaucracy that is our state, local and federal government?

Make no mistake.  “We, the people” rule.  For good or ill, government is extremely responsive to public opinion.  Candidates often make themselves attractive by making extravagant promises.  Unfortunately, the bill is often paid for by “someone else” – “the rich”, “the corporations”, or worse “someone in the future” (debt).

Are we wise enough to choose the dull, unpleasant, but prudent candidates over those who tell us what we want to hear?  Will we support officials who actually shrink government back to its proper size, but in the bargain expect “We, the people” to reassume personal responsibilities that we have recently been told would be paid by “someone else”?

Are “We, the people” prisoners of our choices, and slaves to the “free lunch”? Do we love freedom, and the personal responsibility required to maintain it, or do we prefer the “security” of being a number in a computer – a cog in the bureaucratic machine.  Are we the citizens who rule, or subjects of the all powerful state?

I believe that “We, the people” are waking up.  I am encouraged by the conversations I hear, and the issues being debated.  They are not always resolved the way I would want, but we are discussing the right things.

I look forward to the election of 2012.

Chili Cookoff

Title: Chili Cookoff
Location: Fireside Lounge
Link out: Click here
Description: BPOU 39a GOP meet and greet, fundraiser, and all-round party celebrating the best chili the local GOP has to offer!
Start Time: 15:00
Date: 2011-10-02
End Time: 17:00