Why Socialism Does not Work

This story illustrates an essential truth that we do well to remember when listening to the claims of modern progressives.  Socialism has emotional appeal, but is the road to ruin.

In the early 20th century, progressives all over the world were touting the dawn of a new era. The “planned economy” was the future, and it would be fairer, more efficient, and end war and poverty.  Share the wealth!  From each according to his ability, to each according to his need!  Socialism is the future!

100 years later, we know better. Numerous experiments with many forms of socialism and communism have left a bloody trail of failure throughout the 20th century. From the National Socialists of Germany (Nazis) to the genocide in Cambodia in the 1970s the incredible brutality of these regimes was repeated again and again. By 1990, socialist regimes were falling like the proverbial dominoes, because despite their brutal methods, and complete control of their societies, they were universally dismal economic failures. When the last of these regimes fell at the close of the 20th century, almost no one believed that the model they represented had redeeming value. Even the “red Chinese” and the Cubans under Castro were forced to admit that free markets and private property were essential for economic survival because people cannot be forced to be slaves to others. The soul-killing collectivism of the 20th century progressives had utterly failed.

We do well in the USA not to make the error of repeating their failures.  The emotional appeals to “fairness” are snake oil.  Socialism is the road to ruin.

Freedom, private property, markets, individual initiative and personal responsibility are the foundation of  American success, and key to American values.  We must regain and revitalize these values, not go down the failed socialist road.

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