Disappointing? You decide.


I was really disappointed today to get an email from Joe Atkins accusing me of “negative attack”s and “sleazy tactics”.

This is the second time Rep Atkins has tried to paint my fundraising as sinister, and he knows better.

Read it for yourself, here.

Candidates in Minnesota have to file reports on their contributions and spending. Rep Atkins has spent $80,000 so far this year. I have raised and spent just shy of $6600. I have campaign donations from outside our district. My son gave $500. He lives in California. My stepfather lives in Edina. He gave $500. My sister and her husband live in New York. For the man with $80,000 to spend to paint my family’s donations as somehow corrupt is pretty low.

You can see the October reports yourself. Take careful note of where Rep Atkins gets his large donations, and whether those donors have a political interest in his votes in the legislature. These are business executives, owners of legal firms, and only 2 of the 38 listed large donors live in our district. He also took $5600 in tax money and gave it to the DFL party. Don’t take my word. Read it in his report:

Joe Atkins

My report is smaller. I have refused to spend taxpayer money on my campaign. I rely 100% on my supporters. Read it here:

Don Lee

The part that bothers me most is that I spent yesterday morning with Rep Atkins at a local school, at a joint appearance where we talked to students about government, and running for office. He was very cordial, and spoke well of me during the appearance. He said repeatedly that we were “friends”. Unfortunately, a “Friend” would have said something to me yesterday if he had concerns about my campaign. A “Friend” would not have launched an email blast accusing me of being sleazy behind my back, while calling me a “friend” in public.

I’m disappointed.

I have done exactly two mailings. The only one he could possibly be talking about is this one. You decide if there is anything “misleading” in it.

Don Lee’s – “The Choice is In Your Hands

It is time to call out Rep Atkins for his behavior. He needs to be held to account for talking one way, and voting another. He needs to be replaced.

Please share this, and vote.

Thank you,

-Don Lee


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