We have heard a lot lately about gun control, especially other nations where laws are more confiscatory.
In Austrailia, guns were confiscated and a study done to see if it made any difference. It didn’t.
Read the study here.
We have heard a lot lately about gun control, especially other nations where laws are more confiscatory.
In Austrailia, guns were confiscated and a study done to see if it made any difference. It didn’t.
Read the study here.
Private property. We can secure it for ourselves only if we secure it for our neighbors.
Continue readingDon has a new op-ed in the St. Paul Pioneer Press this morning. It responds to the criticism of Ben Carson and his comments about Sharia and a Muslim president, but more importantly speaks to the role of religion in the political process, and the outrageous practice of calling any political judgement “discrimination” if anyone disagrees.
This article in Townhall.com is called “Anatomy of a Failed Liberal State“. It tells the story of the sad state of affairs in Chicago Illinois. As Margaret Thatcher pointed out – eventually you run out of other people’s money. I have a … Continue reading
The Obama economic policies are stuck in the past, rather than meeting the needs of today’s workers. Rule change comment deadline is September 4th
Continue readingPioneer Press printed my letter. (It’s the third one. A little hard to find in this link. Printed Aug 25th)
(Look for “Frivolity vs. wise spending”)
The Federal Reserve is not helping the economy because “the economy” is about real things, not the money that buys them.
Continue reading