Category Archives: Welcome
IGH Days in Inver Grove Heights Parade is Saturday September 6 and our candidates need you! –— Parade line up starts at 10AM by Simley High School — Parade starts at 11 am. House District 52B State House candidate Don Lee is … Continue reading
In our wonderful country, any citizen can walk into the Secretary of State’s office, fill out a form, pay a fee and become a candidate. Yesterday I filed to run for the Minnesota House of Representatives. The paperwork was simple and the fee was … Continue reading
Those on the left insist that cutting regulations, greed, and business misconduct caused the crash in 2008, but there is ample evidence that it was caused, or at least encouraged by banking “regulation”. New Study Finds CRA ‘Clearly’ Did Lead … Continue reading
An excellent commentary on the Obama inaugural address. The content of character matters now … Continue reading

Those who put their lives on the line should not be overruled by political correctness.
Continue readingOnce you accept the premise that government can take money from citizens simply because they have “too much”, as we have already done with the graduated income tax, the “wealth tax” is not far behind. Story here: … Continue reading
The Citizens Council for Health Fredom (web site here) is a great organization, and is working hard to preserve your health care freedom. I have subscribed to their periodic newsletter, which can be seen here. This newsletter outlines how electronic … Continue reading